Monday, March 5, 2018

Bendleshnitz and Brazzlefrat

It's not a secret I love the St. Louis Cardinals. (Probably too much, but I'm content with my obsession over them.) So here's 10 things you might not know about me that has nothing to do with the Cardinals.

1. In Kindergarten, I said my favorite TV show was Petticoat Junction. (My mom was slightly embarrassed when the paper came home. She was afraid my teacher would think we were stuck in the 60's.) I still love watching the classics: Andy Griffith, Green Acres, Mister Ed, Gilligan's Island, I Dream of Jeannie, Leave it to Beaver...

2. I've known since 2nd grade that I wanted to be an elementary teacher.

3. I teach Comm. Arts, but my original college major was Secondary Education in Math. I stopped after Calculus 2 and went back to my original love for elementary age students.

4. I lived in Goodman Hall at Ozark Christian College. My dorm girls started calling me "Beve" (Yes, like on Leave it to Beaver) and it caught on around campus. When people called me Caitlin it usually took them more than once to get my attention.

5. I taught English in Hong Kong for 5 weeks during a summer in college.

6. I spent a week in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, where I ate horse 3 different times.

7. I'm reserved and quiet, but speaking in front of a crowd doesn't scare me. In high school, I spoke in front of 2,000+ people more than once.

8. I was in 4-H for 13 years and FFA (Future Farmers of America) for 4. Football is to Webb City as FFA is to Eldon. Eldon has one of the largest FFA Chapters in Missouri. Much like WC football has won 14 State Championships, Eldon FFA Parliamentary Procedure has won State 8 times in the last 10 years.

9. I have never eaten cottage cheese, sauerkraut, or brussels sprouts, and I never intend to try them. The texture and smell are enough for me to know I don't like them.

10. I always hated the rule of shorts hitting your fingertips. Not because I cared about wearing Daisy Dukes! I have extra long arms and a short torso, so before Bermuda Shorts became popular again finding "long enough" shorts was a challenging frustration. You might not notice at first glance, but my arms are indeed disproportional for my 5'5" frame. If you see me wearing a long sleeved shirt, 90% of the time my sleeves are pushed up. High water pants might make sense in a flood, but high water sleeves do not.


  1. Ok, so you ate horse, but you won't try cottage cheese. Hmmmmm....

    1. Yeah... I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that. It was a different country AND it tastes like beef, no weird smell or texture... :)

  2. Your travels sound adventurous. I agree with 9. I love learning more about you.

  3. And I was scared to take FFA because I thought I would fail.

  4. I don't think I could ever eat a horse...they are the gentle giant...the Black Beauties of the world!!!!

    1. They aren't black beauties in Mongolia, I promise! They look like cows with long noses and taste like them, too!

  5. lol high water sleeves!
