Sunday, March 8, 2020

A House of Cards

Sometimes my stubbornness results in stupidity. On the other hand, it also forces me to not give up when things get hard. Once school started, Beth and I did a lot of our long runs together on the weekends. When it came time for our first 10 miler, she beat me to it. I had a busy school week ahead, but I was determined to make time for a 10 mile run.

Thursday was the only day that week when I had time for a long run. I had mentally been preparing myself all week, and I was ready. The weather was not.

I probably opened my weather app 100 times that day. Each time, hoping the forecast would change. After school came and it appeared as though I was getting my wish. It had rained off and on all day, but there was a break just as school ended. My weather app made it seem like more rain would hold off until later in the evening. I didn't want to ruin my mental preparedness for 10 miles, so I decided to go for it. Besides, I figured if it rained on race day, I would be ready for a run in the rain.

About two miles in the heavens parted and the rains came down. Not a light, misty, feels refreshing rain. A torrential down-pour, soaked in 10 seconds kind of rain. But I'm stubborn. I was already soaked. What was the point in quitting now? Unlike Taylor Swift in Sparks Fly, I was not going to be a house of cards in this full on rainstorm. Behind me, to the west, I could see the sun still peaking out from behind the gray, rain clouds. I took it as my sign from God to keep going. (A sign, or justifying my stubbornness... potato, poh-tah-toh).

Yeah, I know, cute.
My celebratory picture
I sent to Beth after
finishing a rainy 10 miles!
While I may choose to do stupid things, I'm also a cautious person. My mom drilled into my head from a young age to ALWAYS be aware of my surroundings. Therefore, when I'm running I take extra precautions in being aware of traffic. I was on extra, high alert while running in the rain.

However, I would be curious what passersby were thinking when they encountered me on the road. I know I was a sight for sore eyes! The rain was sticking in my eyelashes causing me to blink a bajillion times per second all while my mascara smeared down my cheeks. My shorts and tank top were clinging to my skin as I occasionally tried wringing water out. To make it all worse, my socks were wet and my shoes were squishy. And in case you were wondering, using a soaked tank to dry off raindrop filled eyelashes does not equate success. I was a running circus.

Somewhere between miles 6 and 7 the rain finally let up. The heavens parted and angels were singing hallelujah! Well, I was at least. Although I think the rain had distracted me from the overwhelming idea of running
10 miles.

The rest of the run was uneventful and forgettable. My stubbornness paid off though. I made it to my goal and was another step closer to 13.1.

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