Wednesday, March 25, 2020

It's Okay To...

My guilty pleasure anytime we have a day off from school is to watch Live with Kelly and Ryan. Even in high school, I was eager for snow days so I could start my morning with Saved by the Bell and then Live with Regis and Kelly right after. 

To my delight, they are one of the many talk shows attempting to still go live from their homes. Thank you, technology! On their Monday show, Kelly and Ryan did a segment of "It's okay to... It's not okay to..." during the present times. Some were funny, and some were slightly more serious. I thought it was clever, and some of them gave a good laugh. You can watch their version here.

My podmate (fellow teacher) and I decided to come up with a list to share with our students while we are out of school.

  • It's okay to do school work in your PJ's. It's also okay to have a daytime and a nighttime pair of PJ's.
  • It's okay to go days without showering. But make sure you wash your hands!
  • It's okay to miss school. Even if it's just because you want to be out of the house or because you miss your friends.
  • It's okay to stay up until 3am playing Fortnite or binge watching Netflix.
  • It's okay to give yourself multiple recesses for multiple hours on end. Now's the time to live out your wildest dreams.
  • It's okay to rewatch old sporting events (ahem, St. Louis Cardinals), even though you already know the outcome and even though you've seen Game 6 of the 2011 World Series a dozen times already.
  • It's okay to enjoy your time away from school and time with your family.
  • It's okay to be happy MAP testing was canceled. Even though your teachers are sad, because you were going to KILL IT!

Tune back in tomorrow for our "It's not okay to..." list.

What would be on your list of "It's okay to..."?

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