Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Through the Window

If anyone were to ever question where my occasional bursts of rebelliousness, or my daredevil attitude, comes from, I would quickly say it’s from my Gramy. She is the furthest thing from a stereotypical grandma. Up until a couple years ago, Gramy was going to watch Gangster Squad and Dunkirk in theaters with her fellow widowed friends.

About 4 years ago, I started calling her every Wednesday night. Sometimes we talk 15-20 minutes, other times it’s 2 minutes (I always know when I’ve interrupted dinner. Priorities. I get it!). 

Today was phone call day. She lives in an assisted living place in my hometown, and they are currently on lockdown. Even the residents are supposed to stay in their rooms for the most part. Since I’m out of school, I called her way earlier than normal. In true Gramy fashion, she told me her friend Norma had come by her door to say hi. Grant decided to invite Norma in. When one of the nurses walked by, she caught them and kicked Norma out of Gramy’s room. My Gramy and I had a good laugh as I told her I wasn’t the least bit surprised she was caught breaking the rules. In all of the chaos of an ever-changing world, it is nice to know some things never change. 

Gramy was in need of a couple things, so my mom and I made a Walmart trip for her. We are able to drop things off at the front door, and the nurses deliver packages to residents. While at Walmart, I found a package of Easter Gel Clings and snuck around the side of Rock Island to stick them on my Gramy’s window. We talked through the window for a few minutes and I went on my way. Now if my cousins go see Gramy, they will know where to find her. And hopefully, the clings will brighten her day when she sees them out her window. 

Regardless, I know one day, I’ll think back to this memory and it will brighten my day. And in true Gramy fashion, it will provide me with a chuckle. 

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