I have received a lot of sloppy wet kisses this week and I have thoroughly enjoyed each one.
With a niece that just turned 2 and a nephew who is 20 months old, neither of which give out very many kisses, I feel very privileged to be someone they smooch even if they are slobbery.
Emily once got a kiss from Ainsley with a mouthful of tuna salad. Emily not expecting a fishy kiss, wiped her mouth and made a “blech” sound. Now, Ainsley makes the same motion and sound, followed by a giggle, whenever she gives kisses. She gave me two kisses when I told her goodbye at the airport and with both she wiped them off and laughed. It’s very cute and made me giggle instead of cry.
Ezekiel doesn’t give out very many kisses. His mommy gets them frequently and his daddy sometimes, so I feel extra privileged that I am on his list of people he slobbers on. I spent the morning with him yesterday and I think he gave me more kisses than ever before. When I left he was getting ready to take a nap, but with his boppy (pacifier) in his mouth, and tear-filled eyes, he still gave me multiple kisses.
My niece and nephew kisses make my heart melt. They also remind me of the song “How He Loves” by David Crowder Band. I know, I know that sounds like a stretch! I think most people know it with the lyric, “And heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss.” However, I first heard it at CIY by Aaron Pelsue Band and they sang, “And heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss.” The visual of a sloppy wet kiss resonated with me more than an unforeseen kiss and even more so now.
The thought that God’s love for me doesn’t even begin to compare to my love for my niece and nephew still blows my mind. I long for the day that heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss, but until then I’ll keep enjoying them from Ainsley and Ezekiel.
Baby kisses are the best!!!