9. My two best friends: Emily and Brianna
Best friend definition as given on Urban Dictionary: A person who can make you laugh even on your bad days, and who makes all the problems in life seem easy to overcome, as long as you have them by your side. A best friend can be many things... best friends help each other to become better people by using honest, constructive criticism that sometimes hurts to hear, but is all for the best in the end. Best friends are the ones that bring up touchy topics with you, even if it will risk you being angry w/them because they care more about your well being.
Emily and Brianna definitely fall under this definition. We don't always agree on everything, we certainly all have our own opinions, and I have had my fair share of arguments with both of them. However, each of them makes me a better human. Any time we have had a fight, I always knew it wasn't the end of our friendship. In fact, our fights have made our friendship stronger. We've learned how to talk about things to get past them rather than sweep problems under a rug and let them boil up until they explode. I've learned lessons from them that I can't imagine having learned from anyone else.
Emily is my literal best friend forever. We met in the nursery at church and have been inseparable ever since. Growing up people knew if they saw Caitlin they were going to see Emily, especially at church. We can go days, occasionally weeks, without talking, and months without seeing each other, but we always pick up right where we left off. I don't have to talk to her every day to know she's always there for me. I visit her every spring break and she makes a trip to Missouri every summer or Christmas.
Brianna and I met in college. I was a junior, she was a freshman. We bonded over the Cardinals instantly and that's actually how we met. We still text every day, but it's nice to have a friend in town who checks in to make sure I'm still alive. She fills in the gaps where Emily can't living hundreds of miles away by being my person who would drop everything if I needed her. (Like when my apartment flooded last year).
I consider myself very lucky to have two best friends. It's comforting knowing without a doubt, no matter where life takes us, different cities, states, or continents, they will always be there for me.

Love this tribute to the bffs.
ReplyDeleteI love it when friends can stay friends, even when they live apart. I have two best friends I don't get to see very often, but I talk to one of them on my way to work every morning and the other I usually text back and forth with here and there. You can make friendships work if you really want them to!!! Your friends are awesome!