Last but not least on Brianna's 10 things people should know about me!
10. I get my looks from my dad, to the surprise of most.
I can't count on one hand the number of times I've heard in my life that I look exactly like my mom. I can count on one hand the number of times I've heard I look like my dad. Two. Two times in my life someone has told me that.
The first time was in college. I was visiting my mom at work, the Upper Elementary in Eldon. A lady who worked with her, who also went to school with my dad, told me I looked just like him and insisted I must hear that all the time. Nope. Actually I never had! I liked hearing it though.
The second I don't even remember when or how, Brianna has just always told me she thinks I look like my dad.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind hearing either. If I age like my mom, I'll be one happy girl. I hope to look like her at 61! Sometimes though it's nice to hear the opposite. I know at first glance my dark hair and dimples stand out, and those certainly are from my mom. I think if you look close at my facial features, you will see my dad. His eye genes are quite strong.
Honestly, I think I'm a pretty 50/50 split of my mom and dad. Even my preacher, Robin Sigars, who knew my parents as teenagers has told me that. The words that come out of my mouth are things my mom would say. The tone in which I express them are completely like my dad. A little dry and deadpan, I suppose. I hold conversations with new people and carry my heart on my sleeve with many emotions like my mom. I love sports, especially Cardinals baseball, being outdoors, on the farm shooting, on the lake fishing, etc. like my dad. I have a quiet rebellion, and dare devilish side, within me which is also probably thanks to my daddy. My stubbornness, I'm sure they'd say I got from the other, but I'd say I was doomed, I got a double whammy from both.
As far as looks though... I'll let you be the judge. Who do I look like more?

You're very 50/50 but I see your eyes, head shape and nose are like your dad and your mouth, hair and those dimples are your mom!