Thursday, March 22, 2018

Five More Minutes

It's my last day in Idaho. Tomorrow I'll be boarding a plane in the wee hours of the morning to head back to Missouri.

Spring Break always seems to start out slow, but then it's over before I know it. This year is no different. I feel like I just got to Boise yesterday. 

However, yesterday we celebrated Ainsley turning one and during some down time I went for a run in Bart and Emily's neighborhood. I could get used to running here. Their neighborhood borders the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. I usually don't stop when I'm on a run but yesterday I took time to stop and smell the roses, or gaze at God's beautiful handiwork. The snow covered mountains with grassy foothills in the forefront was a perfect way to welcome spring. 

Tomorrow, tears will probably be shed when I have to leave and I'll be wishing i could get five more minutes. But I still have today. So I'm going to not think about tomorrow and soak up my time I have with the Shaws today. 

Emily pulled into a church parking lot knowing
I wanted a picture of the snowy mountains. 

A view from my run
in Bart and Emily’s neighborhood. 

Stop and smell the roses.
Or take pictures of the mountains. 

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