Monday, March 4, 2019

Past My Prime

If I could go back in time, or come back for a second life, I would be more of a gymnast. While I did gymnastics from 3rd grade through my Senior year of high school, my skills were minimal. As a cheerleader, I wanted to be taken as a serious athlete, not just someone going "rah, rah" on the sidelines. I wanted to be a cheerleader who could backflip on the track at a football game or down the length of the basketball court. (Both of which are painful and the veins on the palms of my hands prove it). Yet, my skills stopped at tricks on the floor.

Every Olympic year from the time I was little, I sat mesmerized in our living room watching the Olympic gymnasts. During commercial breaks I would practice cartwheels, backbends, and holding my handstands as long as possible, or as long as the length of our living room allowed. (I'm already aware I was a weird kid.) I had my favorite individuals from Kerri Strug on the '96 team and Carly Patterson in '04. I would rather list all members from '08, '12, and '16, but that would be tedious, so we'll go with Shawn Johnson, Aly Raisman, and Simone Biles. To me those three broke barriers. They changed the image of gymnastics. They weren't slender, dainty, ballerina-like, floating on air gymnasts. They were powerhouses. Short. Muscular. Fierce. I wanted (want!) to be them.

Needless to say, I am 12 years past my prime to be an Olympic gymnast. So instead I watch. Yes, sometimes I am guilty of still doing handstands during commercial breaks. I also keep my own "judge card" during US Olympic trials and try to figure out who will make the Olympic team before it is announced. Not to brag, but I accurately chose the Final Five team who competed at Rio in 2016. I'll make sure to add that to my resume. Maybe one day I'll take my living room judging skills and become an actual judge. For now, I'm content in my present life watching and judging from afar... And throwing a back handspring every now and then just to prove to myself I still can.


  1. My most memorable moment watching gymnastics is the 1996 U.S. Women's Gymnastics team. There were some awesome moments, some sad moments, and some unbelievable moments.
