Thursday, March 21, 2019

Vowels and Great Grandparents

We’ll blame it on being a new mom, but I think Brianna missed a very important thing (actually 3) on things people should know about me. So here is my number 11.

11. I have 3 beautiful, wonderful, funny, smart, and extremely loved nephew and nieces.

First, and exactly 2 years ago today I earned my aunt title for the first time with Ainsley Ida. Ida comes from her great grandma, whom is 1/2 of the reason Emily and I met so many years ago. And thanks to a wonderfully timed spring break, not only do I get to be with her every year on her birthday, I got to be there when she was born.

Second, came my actual by blood nephew, Ezekiel Joseph. Joseph comes from a long line of middle names as Joseph on his daddy’s side of the family. However, perfectly fitting it was also my dad’s Grandpa Bever’s name. Ezekiel usually FaceTimes me, thanks to my sissy, at least twice a week. Around Christmas time he started calling me Cait Cait. *insert cute awwww noise here* Although his dad is trying really hard to get him to call me Aunt Cake.

Finally, as of January my 2nd niece, Amelia Marie, entered the world. Marie comes from her great grandma and her mama’s middle name (no not at all from mine!). Amelia is the only one of my three littles who lives near me, so I get my fill of baby snuggles when needed.

In July, I will become Aunt Cait for the fourth time when Ainsley welcomes a baby brother. Last night it hit me that I might be in Africa when he arrives. It killed me just a little thinking it might be days before I even know he’s made it to the world. But that will give me something to look forward to finding out upon my return from the Congo.

Upon writing this post I have also realized two things. Apparently to be my niece or nephew it is a requirement that your first name begins with a vowel and your middle name comes from great grandparents. So to Emily and Bart who have mixed all the boy names once on their list, this should help narrow down your choices a bit. You’re welcome!

1 comment:

  1. I love it when people use family names in some part of their baby's name. It makes my day when I hear that someone has a family name! Boy names are hard! I can't wait to hear when this little one makes his way into this world. I'm still jealous you're going to the Congo. It is still very awesome!! lol
